Friday, August 10, 2018

My Personal Experience With Jinn

Today I would like to speak about My personal experience Dealing with Vessel Inhabited Jinns.

Since the age of 18 I have always been facinated by the world of jinns, Reason being they are fiery creatures mentioned many times in the The Holy Quran and belief in them is mandatory on us(muslims) as well growing up hearing facinating Stories about them made me extremely Curious.It always intrigued me How their world would be Like, If their world is similar to ours,what is their life like. Do they have Different countries,cities or town like our own and do they have any judicial systems,government, law and order like we do and so on. Since growing up we have all been exposed to sci-fi Movies,cartoons And animations for example Aladin. We have grown believing jinns to Be Friendly,Slaves to Humans,Have incredible Power,Strength unimaginable. While I Do agree with some of the points Most are Far Away from the real Truth.

Now I will tell you about my personal experience regarding jinns. Long ago in November 2012 I was doing my usual Research on the metaphysical and paranormal subject when I came across a certain consumer Website .I was 21 of age that time. At that Website I spotted Something so Interesting so intruging That I thought I have found The answer and It will change my life forever and yes It did but in a Very Very Negative way. I brought Hell in my life!!!

Apparently This Seller claimed to be from South Africa and he stated that he was a powerful warlock with 40 years of experience in the metaphysical field. He was selling Rings,Amulets and certain gemstone but these gemstones were no ordinary gemstones these were so called Entity Inhabited gemstone. Not long after I searched a little more through the website and What I found was appaling to say atleast.
Hundreds of sellers and conjurers Selling the same Thing-  Entitiy inhabited Items(Why I am not reffering to it as jinn rings I will explain later) and this time its just not the rings its Almost everything specifically gemstones,amulets,coins,cheap jewelry,Rings,toys,plastic toys etc etc. But that's not only it These Sellers/conjurers were also Selling Mythological Creatures Like king Elves ,god and goddess, Fairies Unicorn Cosmos Dragons Gargoyles and much more and All of the did boast about them being one in the world with abilities like no other. What I did was research for a couple of more days on these Items and noticed that most of the seller where Selling at a Minimum of 30 to 40 entity inhabited Items anytime and were listing new Items almost Everyday for a price ranging from $49.99 dollars to $199 dollars.Which left me fairly Amused.

After a week of obsessing over these Items what I decided was the step I shouldn't have taken. A decision that costed me greatly. 
As I was browsing through the website I Found A listing for a "Marid Jinn king of wealth and fortune" It was a pretty little yellow gemstone amulet. The description was what actually attracted me.The seller stated that this vessel is of a marid jinn king of the great Western sea Commanding an empire. His powers are incredible and he can grant apprently unlimited Wishes. He also stated that he can grant me anything I want Including but not limited to Money,Fame,Fortune and power etc etc. 
My conscience going out of the window I bought my first king jinn inhabited vessel that can grant me unlimited amount of wishes for $199 plus shipping charges Extra.
I waited for a couple of weeks to receive my package and I did finally After two weeks. There was a small ritual needed to be done by calling the name of the Jinn and burning some incense which I did.
Now here is the interesting fact. It doesn't mean that you would buy a jinn vessel and suddenly you will start seeing sensing and talking to the jinn as you talk to people. To reach that level a high amount of spirituality is required and an activated third eye which require ample amount of training. Being new in this field I was now very excited to be a king jinn' owner and I dreamt everyday of getting rich and famous. 
That Night I saw the manifestation of jinn as an orange orb floating around in my room. I was a little scared but excited. Around 2 am while I was sleeping I felt a tight pressure in my mouth and throat as if someone is trying to enter their hand inside my mouth. I woke up my breathe heavy and feeling scared. I emailed the seller and he said it was normal, which I thought it wasnt. then I slept after an hour and I saw the jinn in my Dream. He appeared with Blue Eyes, White Skin long hair holding a staff.  This was the first and last time I saw him.
Meanwhile a couple of weeks later I started searching for ways to communicate with the jinn and finally found a pendulam as a method. I would ask the jinns question and he would swing the pendulam to the Alphabets and Answer question.I started Making wishes and he said he would fullfill them soon. Months passed by but none of my wishes were granted so I asked him again. the jinn kept repliying every very soon etc etc then Finally one day Getting fed up I asked him if he really is a king to which he replied No. He said he was not a king. I got angry and did not communicate with him But what I did was really foolish. Bought several other entity inhabited items  from different sellers like demon commander jinn, Norse god jinn hoping they would be powerful enough to grant me my wishes. Long story Short After spending $1500 worth of money I Sure Had several jinns in my keep But none of them were of any assistance. Infact they lied to me about who they really were and I had no way of verifying it. All the Promises that the sellers/conjurers made. All the description that they provided were false and a lie I was angry for a week but then I locked the vessels away and stopped communication Little Did know What was about to happen!!!

Not Granting Wishes is one thing but causing havoc in ones life is simply a life lesson.A couple of months passed by and Slowly and suddenly I started Having Issues. At First the Issues were Small Enough to get unnoticed like falling down,forgetfullness etc etc but slowly and suddenly and progessively I started noticing it. At such a young age I was Afflicted with Ill health and many diseases which unfortunetly I still suffer from Today,Bad luck in almost all endevours of my life,Loss of finances, Easily getting random cuts on my body were just a few things to name a few. Then one morning I just got so sick and Ill that I would have killed myself. I was barely holding on and doctors had no idea of my ailments. Then I realized what was happening. I took them out and asked them if they are doing this and they said No But I knew there were doing it and they Lied.I started having Nightmares As days were passing by I was getting desperate for help and I couldnt go to college and couldnt do any work I was devasted. I got the vessels checked from someone authentic who stated all the entities were low class dark entities. She tried to help me but i Found no relief. What was happening to me was that my aura was already negative due to life issues but after these entities came my aura and energy became extremely darker and negative inviting negative energy
Then I found Someone online. A muslim Man well versed in magical knowledge.He Did not sound like one of the liars and he spoke the truth whenever he spoke. alhamdullilah. 
A kind and Honest man.May allah give him Jannah. He did not seem like a liar.I spoke to Him regarding my problem. He listened to me with great patience. Adviced me how to deal with this issue and he made me realize What I did was Wrong and after that Helped me as much as he could for Free without asking any reward and Seeking his bounty from Allah Alone. If it wasn't for this man I do not know what would I have done

After giving away all the vessels for free to a female conjurer by advice slowly and suddenly things started to get Better and after A couple of months Things went down to a level where I could tolerate with it for Allah does not burden a soul beyond its capacity alhamdullilah.

Today after 4 years I am still suffering and fighting what the negative energies Have caused me the havoc in my life and getting the wrath of Allah.

Understand absolutely Nothing in this world,No magic,No item and no jinn can change faith. No one can change the Divine degree that has been decreed by Allah. Only the creator can. Items can only assist and that only when you buy the right ones but nothing can change what allah has written for every one of us. Do not make the mistake I did, Do not destroy yourself with your own hand. Do not go out buying 49.99$ vessel inhabited items thinking it can make you rich,famous and powerful. If it did why would there be "sellers" and why would they sell and even if they did it wont be for a 49.99$ ring. They sell you what you want to buy they tell you what you want to hear. Use your common sense and logic

May allah protect us all
I thank you all for reading.

The Types of Jinns

Today I Will Speak about the different Types of Jinns That I Know about Their characteristics,Power and Nature. The things mentioned below are Real and Actual information about them and not some fairytale

Sayyiduna Abu Tha’labah Al Khushani (radiyallahu ‘anhu) narrates that the Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:
‘The Jinn are of three types: a type that has wings and fly through the air; a type that look like snakes and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then resumes its journey.”
A djinn can be broken down into various Classes 
1) Qareen -The Constant Companions, The prophet said that none of the human being who is alive but does not has a constant companion with them who whispers them to do evil. These jinns are evil by nature and these are those who are assigned to us to lead us into temptation. Every Single one of us Has this jinn by birth and this jinn knows every single detail about you. They are generally used by magicians to Gather information on people's Past. Qareen/Hamzad are mentioned in Sūrat az-Zukhruf: "And whosoever turns away from remembering and mentioning the Most Beneficent, we appoint for him Shayatin to be a Qareen/hamzad to him". To capture such an entitiy is no easy task as they know everything about you from what Fears you to what makes you sad and what makes you happy. Every single detail they know. Once Captured they can do certain things Like Bring any information about anyone, Luck to a certain extent, Give an idea about the disease one is suffering from and more. Usually one has to stay in a very pure state away from all evil to maintain control over them.

2) Jaan - These jinns are normal jinns like regular citizen of their tribe and kingdom. They live all around us but do not interfere in our lives as they have their own lives to Live.

3) Ghoul - Excellent Shape Shifters These Jinns are evil,dark and malicious by nature. They are said to feed on children or corpses stolen out of graves. There are several types of ghul. The most feared is a female type (ghula) which has the ability to appear as a normal, mortal woman. According to lore, such a creature marries an unsuspecting man, who becomes her prey. The ghul are nocturnal creatures who inhabit graveyards, ruins and other lonely places. Sometimes they are described as dead humans who sleep for long periods in secret graves, then awake, rise and feast on both the living and the dead. Ghul also personify the unknown terrors held by the desert. In Persian lore the ghul has the legs of a donkey and the horns of a goat. Some are small enough to ride on hares, others ride on ostriches. Another desert type is known as the udar. Female types, living in the forest, may carry men off to their caves and seduce them.

4) Ifreet/Ifrit - Mentioned in the Quran who offered to bring queen Sheba's throne before prophet sulaiman rose from his seat and addressed himself as Strong and Worthy.Ifrīt means “rebellious”. They can be male (Ifrīt) or female (Ifrītah). Like humans they have good and bad ones between them but are depicted as being wicked and ruthless. They inhabit the underground and ruins. Ifrīts have a whole structured society complete with kings, tribes and clans. They are known to have enormous wings and look like they are made out of smoke. They are susceptible to magic, which humans can use to kill or capture and enslave them. An Ifrīt can be a believer or unbeliever, and have the same belief system as humans (i.e. Jews, Christians, Muslim, Atheist, Sikh, Hindu, and Buddhist). It is difficult to differentiate between an Ifrīt and a Mārid as they have very similar characteristics

5) Marid - Mārid are described to be the most powerful type of jinn having great powers and inhabit the oceans, seas and open waters. They are the most arrogant and proud of all the jinn types.These jinns are extremely evil,more evil and Malicious than Shaitaan Jinns. they teach  Dark deadly magic They do grant wishes to humans but it requires some kind of battle, rituals, imprisonment or even a great deal of flattery.

World of the Djinn

As-Salam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger

After countless hours of watching clips on youtube, reading articles on the Internet, as well as going through non-muslim forums, buying Jinn/Demon Vessels to Get Rich and Inviting Hell In Life I've Learned the hard way and I've finally gathered my thoughts and I will give you My Information on jinns. Inshah allah

Note - Some informations have been Gathered from Various places

The word Jinn (Djinn) is an Arabic word meaning “to hide” or “hidden”.
The Jinn are hidden from our sight and are considered to be spiritual beings similar to angels.
The Jinn are mentioned mainly in Islam but also have some links to Christianity, regarding Prophet Solomon.

Jinnī (Genie), is the singular form of Jinn.

Jinn was said to be created from a substance that was as blazing as fire, Flame of Fire
“from a fire of scorching wind” [Quran 15:27]
“from a smokeless flame of fire” [Quran 55:15]
Jinn stories can be found in the book called 'One Thousand and One Nights', which is a collection folk tales compiled in Arabic. The English version is known as the Arabian Nights.

The lifespan of the jinn is not known clearly. Some say they live for 1000 years, others say up to 8000 years.
Every human is believed to have one angel and one jinni with them at all times. The angel is there to note everything you do and writes down all your deeds in a book attached to your neck, as well as report your daily and nightly deeds to God. The jinni is there to lead you astray. when a person dies the jinni is relieved of it's duty and is free to roam the earth to cause more mischeif, until the jinni dies.
The Qur’an and Sunnah indicate that jinn exist, and that there is a purpose for their existence in this life, which is to worship Allah Alone with no partner or associate. Allah Almighty says:“And I (Allah) created not the jinns and humans, except they should worship Me (Alone).”(Adh-Dhariyat: 56)
Scholars are in disagreement over the difference between jinn and demons. Some of them say that the word jinn goes far to encompass the jinn as well as the demons. The word also includes believing and unbelieving jinn. Allah Almighty says,“And among us there are righteous folk and among us there are far from that. We are sects having different rules.”(Al-Jinn: 11)“And there are among us some who have surrendered (to Allah) and there are among us some who are unjust. And whoso hath surrendered to Allah, such have taken the right path purposefully.”(Al-Jinn: 14)
However, the word demon orshaytanis used to refer to the unbelieving ones among the jinn. Allah Almighty says,“…and the devil was ever an ingrate to his Lord.‏”(Al-Isra’: 27)
The world of the jinn is an independent and separate world with its own distinct nature and features that are hidden from the world of humans. Jinns and humans have things in common, such as the ability to understand and choose between good and evil. The word jinn comes from the Arabic root meaning “hidden from sight”. Allah Almighty says:“… Verily he (shaytan) and his soldiers from the jinn or his tribe see you from where you cannot see them…”(Al-A`raf: 27)
Allah has told us in His Book the essence from which the jinn were created. He says:“And the jinn, We created aforetime from the smokeless flame o fire.”(Al-Hijr : 27) `A’ishah (may Allah be pleased with her) says that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:“The angels were created from light, the jinn were created from fire, and Adam was created from that which has been described to you.”(Reported by Muslim)
In The Next Article I will Speak About the type of Jinns and their Purpose