Friday, August 10, 2018

The Types of Jinns

Today I Will Speak about the different Types of Jinns That I Know about Their characteristics,Power and Nature. The things mentioned below are Real and Actual information about them and not some fairytale

Sayyiduna Abu Tha’labah Al Khushani (radiyallahu ‘anhu) narrates that the Nabi (sallallahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said:
‘The Jinn are of three types: a type that has wings and fly through the air; a type that look like snakes and dogs; and a type that stops for a rest then resumes its journey.”
A djinn can be broken down into various Classes 
1) Qareen -The Constant Companions, The prophet said that none of the human being who is alive but does not has a constant companion with them who whispers them to do evil. These jinns are evil by nature and these are those who are assigned to us to lead us into temptation. Every Single one of us Has this jinn by birth and this jinn knows every single detail about you. They are generally used by magicians to Gather information on people's Past. Qareen/Hamzad are mentioned in Sūrat az-Zukhruf: "And whosoever turns away from remembering and mentioning the Most Beneficent, we appoint for him Shayatin to be a Qareen/hamzad to him". To capture such an entitiy is no easy task as they know everything about you from what Fears you to what makes you sad and what makes you happy. Every single detail they know. Once Captured they can do certain things Like Bring any information about anyone, Luck to a certain extent, Give an idea about the disease one is suffering from and more. Usually one has to stay in a very pure state away from all evil to maintain control over them.

2) Jaan - These jinns are normal jinns like regular citizen of their tribe and kingdom. They live all around us but do not interfere in our lives as they have their own lives to Live.

3) Ghoul - Excellent Shape Shifters These Jinns are evil,dark and malicious by nature. They are said to feed on children or corpses stolen out of graves. There are several types of ghul. The most feared is a female type (ghula) which has the ability to appear as a normal, mortal woman. According to lore, such a creature marries an unsuspecting man, who becomes her prey. The ghul are nocturnal creatures who inhabit graveyards, ruins and other lonely places. Sometimes they are described as dead humans who sleep for long periods in secret graves, then awake, rise and feast on both the living and the dead. Ghul also personify the unknown terrors held by the desert. In Persian lore the ghul has the legs of a donkey and the horns of a goat. Some are small enough to ride on hares, others ride on ostriches. Another desert type is known as the udar. Female types, living in the forest, may carry men off to their caves and seduce them.

4) Ifreet/Ifrit - Mentioned in the Quran who offered to bring queen Sheba's throne before prophet sulaiman rose from his seat and addressed himself as Strong and Worthy.Ifrīt means “rebellious”. They can be male (Ifrīt) or female (Ifrītah). Like humans they have good and bad ones between them but are depicted as being wicked and ruthless. They inhabit the underground and ruins. Ifrīts have a whole structured society complete with kings, tribes and clans. They are known to have enormous wings and look like they are made out of smoke. They are susceptible to magic, which humans can use to kill or capture and enslave them. An Ifrīt can be a believer or unbeliever, and have the same belief system as humans (i.e. Jews, Christians, Muslim, Atheist, Sikh, Hindu, and Buddhist). It is difficult to differentiate between an Ifrīt and a Mārid as they have very similar characteristics

5) Marid - Mārid are described to be the most powerful type of jinn having great powers and inhabit the oceans, seas and open waters. They are the most arrogant and proud of all the jinn types.These jinns are extremely evil,more evil and Malicious than Shaitaan Jinns. they teach  Dark deadly magic They do grant wishes to humans but it requires some kind of battle, rituals, imprisonment or even a great deal of flattery.

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